Privacy and Data Protection professional:
I am Vice President, Global Chief Privacy and AI Governance Officer at Wipro, and Visiting Cybersecurity and Privacy Executive Fellow at Pamplin Business School, Virginia Tech. I help global organisations with their privacy by design programmes, and the privacy and ethical challenges relating to Artificial Intelligence (AI) and big data. I was awarded 'Woman of the Year' (2019) in the CyberSecurity Awards.

Co-Founder of the Women Leading in AI Network:
I co-founded the Women Leading in AI Network, a lobby group of women from different backgrounds aimed to mobilise the tech industry and politics to set clear governance around AI so that it works for everyone and is constrained by our human values.

Public speaker and commentator:
I regularly speak at events worldwide and comment in the media on headlines stories where the tech economy intersects with privacy and data law and politics. In my latest book, A Digital Union based on European values, I explore ideas for Europe´s digital and AI policy. I am co-editor of Wiley’s AI book on AI in financial services, and author of An Artificial Revolution, which is available to order here. I am a regular contributor to The Yuan, on all issues around privacy and ethics in AI.

Ivana's pictureThree photos My story in a magazine

TALKING Equality and women's empowerment

FEATURING on the Victoria Derbyshire programme

MY STORY in a magazine

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